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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 5 Hansard (6 May) . . Page.. 1441 ..

MR HUMPRHIES (continuing):

X relayed to me over the phone that Mr Bender had signed a Statutory Declaration in regards to a conversation that allegedly took place at the Bender's residence during X and my visit. X enquired of my recollection of the conversation that took place.

My recollection of the conversation was mainly regarding the loss of a child, namely Katie, also how the family were accepting this loss, and if I or X could help in any way.

It should be known that the Bender family and also my family have been friends for over 28 years. Mr Bender was the best man at my wedding and I was matron of honour at his wedding.

During the conversation I asked Mr Mato Bender did he have a solicitor to legally represent the family. He then informed me Mr Bernard Collaery was to do so. My reply to Mr Bender, as I recall, was for he to be careful in whom he should obtain and indicated to him he should look at obtaining services from interstate because of the sensitive issue involved. I added further "personally" that I did not like Mr Collaery and that I perceived him to be a "show pony". X did not engage in this part of the conversation.

X had no comment to this personal conversation, nor did she in my presence elaborate on it in any way.

After the phone call from X on 5th May 1999, I telephoned Mr Bender and had a conversation with him regarding X and my visit to his house. I informed him that it was I who brought up Mr Collaery's name, not X.

I reiterate my family and Mr Bender's family have been united for 28 years and that my concerns were that for the family.

I remained at the Bender's premises for about one to two hours.

Yours faithfully

It was signed by Y. Mr Speaker, I also table that statement. Mr Speaker, the final statement I want to read onto the record and, in turn, table is from Mirko Skrnjug:

To whom it may concern

After hearing about the tragic death of Katie Bender, I rang X to see if she could come with me to see the Bender family. At that time I was the President of the Croatian Congress for the ACT and she was also a member of the Congress. I went because I wanted to see whether there was anything that our community could do for them.

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