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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 5 Hansard (5 May) . . Page.. 1406 ..

MR STEFANIAK (continuing):

Joint Industry Training Council; a representative of the P&C in David Hill, and also the chief executive officer of the Department of Education and Community Services, Fran Hinton. It is an eminently qualified body to deal with this fund. It has the benefit not only of being the premier body in the training area but also of being at arm's length, and I think that is important in terms of the administration of this fund.

I do not know whether we can speed this up and deal with my amendments first, or whether you want to go through the sheet you have, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: We must follow the sheet.

MR STEFANIAK: Well, we could do that.

MR SPEAKER: You are asking for leave to move amendments Nos 1 and 2 as circulated. Is that right?

MR STEFANIAK: I am. I seek leave to move those together.

Leave granted.

MR STEFANIAK: These amendments relate to the insertion of the Vocational Education and Training Authority Board. I move:

Page 2, line 8, insert the following definition:

" 'authority' means the Vocational Education and Training Authority established under the Vocational Education and Training Act 1995;".

Page 2, line 9, definition of "Board", omit the definition.

MR BERRY (5.25): Mr Speaker, Labor will be opposing these proposed amendments. They fly in the face of the Bill and the amendments which I circulated earlier but which I am yet to move.

As I mentioned in the in-principle stage, the history of the management of a training levy in the building and construction industry is very firm in the sense that the construction industry and workers from the industry have managed that as they did when they were managing the Long Service Leave Construction Industry Board. That board was made up of representatives from industry and an appointee from the Government, the same sort of proposal which I am putting forward in relation to this Bill, except that in the case of this Bill I have taken into account the views of the HIA. Others who have an interest in this matter have accepted that the option for the HIA, or another organisation if it does not wish to be involved, should be available within the legislation. That is why I have moved to alter the board to ensure that there is broader representation in relation to it and so that as many people from within the industry as is reasonably possible have an input into the management of the fund which arises from the training levy.

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