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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 4 Hansard (22 April) . . Page.. 1265 ..
Employees of the peer service are also expected to have other skills and qualifications that enable them to provide a range of services including personal support, education and advocacy.
The review of services was conducted internally by the Department of Health and Community Care. The Department completed a policy document in 1998 which provided a framework for services provided by the peer service. This document is titled the "ACT Sexual Health and Blood Borne Diseases Strategic Plan 1998-2000". A copy of this report has been forwarded to the member's office.
(8) The Department did not commission the 'Survival' report, and was not required to respond to the report formally nor commission any formal reviews. However, following receipt of the report, the Department met with ADDInc representatives to discuss the implications.
ADDInc suggested that a further consultation take place to answer some of the questions raised in the report. ADDInc indicated that it would manage this next phase, but would seek involvement of the Government in the design of the consultation. As the ACTIV program had been fully incorporated into the ADDInc structure by that time, the Department indicated that the priority was not to review ACTIV further but to improve the level of service provision to consumers. The Department saw the role of any further consultants as more of a change manager rather than a reviewer.
ADDInc board reviewed the Department's position and the needs of the agency. A decision was made not to proceed with the consultancy due to organisational priorities. The Department's commitment at the time was to ensure that a satisfactory education and support service was provided to injecting drug users, by peer workers. The Department continued to work with ADDInc in bringing an acceptable interim peer program, which was subsequently named the ADDInc Network, directly under the management of the ADDInc Service Director. This arrangement was made pending a decision on whether the service would be tendered out. As arrangements for the 'ADDInc Network' operated satisfactorily under the direction of ADDInc, no further investigations or reviews were considered necessarv.
(9) CIN is a new organisation that has not, as yet, employed staff to conduct the programs, as such no formal affiliations have been formed that would require dedication of worker time to other organisations. The Department's expectation is that CIN will provide the services required under the contract. Linkages with other services in the non-government sector will develop purposefully through networking, and should enhance service provision. It is the responsibility of the management committee to monitor each worker's commitments and make decisions about the individual worker's involvement on committees and steering groups, taking into account the needs of the organisation.
(10) I believe that this answer fully describes the Department's response to a report which was not commissioned by, or the responsibility of, the Department.
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