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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 4 Hansard (21 April) . . Page.. 1113 ..

MR HUMPHRIES (continuing):

students. The Northern Territory student union held a rock concert that was so mismanaged, so badly managed, that it caused the union to become insolvent, with students picking up the tab to bail it out. The Flinders University student association in South Australia held a dope day in 1994 when students were provided with marijuana by the students union.

Mr Corbell: You really never had a sense of humour, did you?

MR HUMPHRIES: I laugh when I see that, Mr Corbell. The list, unfortunately, goes on for much longer than I have time to speak. But, Mr Speaker, the issue here is why students should be compelled to contribute to that kind of nonsense. Why? For what reason? Students who support or belong to the Liberal Party are being forced to contribute their money to that kind of activity. Why should they? If the student union really does believe that these things are worth while - - -

Mr Corbell: I do that at the moment. I pay my rates so that you can run the Feel the Power campaign.

MR HUMPHRIES: If you want to interrupt me, that is fine; but I will ask for an extension of time, Mr Corbell. I seek an extension of time, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Is leave granted?

MR HUMPHRIES: You will be perfectly welcome to speak and you will get an extension of time when you want to speak, Mr Berry.

Mr Berry: No, I do not want an extension of time. We do not want to be here all night.

MR HUMPHRIES: Do I have leave or do I not, Mr Berry?

Mr Berry: No, you do not.

Suspension of Standing and Temporary Orders

MR HUMPHRIES (Attorney-General, Minister for Justice and Community Safety and Minister Assisting the Treasurer) (5.31): Okay. Mr Speaker, I move:

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent Mr Humphries being granted an extension of time.

Mr Speaker, I think it is most unfortunate, most unfair, that Mr Berry has chosen to - - -

Motion (by Mr Berry ) put:

That the question be now put.

Question resolved in the negative.

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