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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 1 Hansard (16 February) . . Page.. 145 ..

Mr Berry: I do not think you agree with much I say.

MS CARNELL: Mr Berry is saying he does not read his media releases either. Mr Berry said:

It is not good enough for Kate Carnell to keep blaming someone else for the tough times Canberrans are suffering, as Chief Minister she is responsible for addressing our economic woes ...

Mr Berry, if I am responsible for addressing the state of the economy, if I am responsible when the economy is rotten, then I must also be responsible and this Government must also be responsible when the economy is booming. If I am to be held responsible by Mr Berry for a downturn, then I guess those opposite will be congratulating this side of the house for the absolutely wonderful employment figures, the great growth and the wonderful confidence that the Canberra community and business are showing in our future direction. We will be very happy to take that praise when Mr Berry finally gets around to offering it.

MR HIRD: Well done, Chief Minister. How does Guru Berry's claim that there is a leadership vacuum in employment group creation stack up against the figures you have just quoted?

MS CARNELL: It is always sad when members of the Assembly - - -

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, I do not mind being referred to as "guru".

MR SPEAKER: However, it is unparliamentary.

Mr Berry: If it is going to be allowed there are a few colourful terms I could use, too, so you might like to rule on that.

MR SPEAKER: Let us just clear this matter up. I will not allow Ministers to be referred to other than by their portfolio titles. I fail to see why I should allow other members to be referred to other than by their names.

MS CARNELL: It is really important in a place like this to understand some satire, is it not? Mr Speaker, the simple answer to Mr Berry's claims is that they simply do not stack up. Let me outline for the benefit of the Assembly exactly what has happened to employment in Canberra over the last two years. I am fascinated that those opposite groan. They really do not like any good news. Those opposite say regularly that jobs are the most important thing. We agree. They create social equality. They are the one thing that gives people an opportunity for a decent quality of life. Here we are talking about job creation, and those opposite groan. It just shows you how much they are interested in the Canberra community.

Over the last two years there have been 3,700 more jobs. Our unemployment rate has fallen by two percentage points, from 7.9 per cent to 5.8 per cent. And you know what else, Mr Berry? The number of people unemployed in Canberra has fallen by 3,400,

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