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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 1 Hansard (2 February) . . Page.. 14 ..
MR SPEAKER: We have not concluded the debate. As far as I am aware, others may wish to speak. I can grant leave. I will allow you to make a personal explanation at this point.
MR QUINLAN: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I have to say that Mr Hird is a quiet achiever. None of this - - -
Mr Humphries: Mr Speaker, I rise to take - - -
MR SPEAKER: Mr Quinlan, this is a personal explanation. I think that is what Mr Humphries is about to say.
MR QUINLAN: I think Mr Hird referred in his speech to a selective leaking of the report. Is that right?
Ms Tucker: Yes, he did.
Mr Hird: Yes, I did.
MR QUINLAN: To my knowledge, there was no leaking of the report from any of the offices of the people involved in the committee.
Mr Humphries: How do you know?
MR QUINLAN: To my knowledge.
Mr Humphries: To your knowledge.
MR QUINLAN: Too long in the bush, Gary?
MR SPEAKER: Order! Go on.
MR QUINLAN: I am very concerned. If there was a leaking of the report, I would really like to know about it, because I will be writing to you in relation to privilege. I have been severely tempted to do so already.
MR OSBORNE: I seek leave to make a personal explanation as well, Mr Speaker.
MR SPEAKER: Very well.
MR OSBORNE: In relation to what Mr Hird said, I heard him refer to me as not being brave and not being courageous. I would like to share with you my definition of brave and courageous, Mr Speaker. Being brave and courageous is when someone goes to the electorate before an election and says, "If you vote for me I am going to sell ACTEW". That is brave; that is courageous.
MR SPEAKER: Just a moment. That is hardly a personal explanation.
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