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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1998 Week 11 Hansard (10 December) . . Page.. 3579 ..


Such consultation could be conducted by way of a lessor holding a meeting or providing a written summary to tenants and seeking submissions.


Stakeholders who have approached the Government have been uniform in their concern that there be adequate time for consideration and comment on the draft Bill. Having regard to the general complexity of the law in this area and the breadth of the reforms made by the draft Bill, this is an entirely reasonable concern.

To ensure that there is sufficient time for consideration of the draft Bill, the Bill has been developed as an exposure draft, and I am proposing to allow some 8 weeks for consultation prior to its introduction in the Assembly.

The draft Bill represents one more step in the Government's reform program for commercial and retail tenancy regulation in the ACT. I am therefore pleased to table the draft Leases (Commercial and Retail) Bill 1998 for consideration and comment prior to its introduction during the 1999 Autumn sittings.

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