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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1998 Week 9 Hansard (18 November) . . Page.. 2627 ..

MR HARGREAVES (continuing):

the case, contrary to what the Minister has said today, I did give my name. If I had not done so, he would not have known who had done it. In the next call I made, which was the next day, I did identify myself instantly when I made the call. So, the information that Mr Smyth has gleaned from either his spokeswoman or his department is incorrect.

Secondly, Mr Speaker, when I found these five needles there I asked the hotline person about the clearance and I was advised that they do it only on complaint; that there is no regular pick-up. The Minister has said that there is a regular pick-up. Mr Speaker, either the Minister has got it wrong or his department has. I merely quote what was told to me, and I do that in good faith. If, in fact, this is happening and there is a regular clear-up, I am happy about it.

MR SPEAKER: Order! The personal explanation is at an end.

MR HARGREAVES: Mr Speaker, the imputation was that I have misled people.

MR SPEAKER: You have made your personal explanation. That is perfectly all right, Mr Hargreaves.

MR HARGREAVES: I have not yet, Mr Speaker. I shall do so in the press.

MR CORBELL: Mr Speaker, pursuant to standing order 46, I seek leave to make a personal explanation.

MR SPEAKER: Proceed.

MR CORBELL: During question time today the Chief Minister suggested that I was in some way deliberately misleading, in that I was aware of a - - -

Ms Carnell: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I did not say "deliberately misleading" or anything.

MR SPEAKER: Order, please! The Chief Minister did not use the word "misleading".

MR CORBELL: I am sorry, Mr Speaker. I am quite happy to withdraw that suggestion.

MR SPEAKER: I think the Chief Minister's words were that you knew of something, Mr Corbell.

MR CORBELL: Yes, Mr Speaker. I would just like to explain that I was aware of Mr Mackay's letter, and that was the reason why I asked the Chief Minister the question I did. I asked the Chief Minister whether she was willing to make the document public, because I was aware that Mr Mackay had indicated that he was not willing to do so. Further, Mr Speaker, contrary to claims made by the Chief Minister, the letter from Mr Mackay to Mr Berry in no way mentions the term "commercial-in-confidence", nor does it mention commercial information which could be damaging to ACTEW in light of its revelation to competitors. The letter does not mention that either.

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