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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1998 Week 8 Hansard (28 October) . . Page.. 2395 ..

MR BERRY (5.27): In response to what Mr Rugendyke said, I want to reiterate something that was said earlier. He said that he felt that things can be taken with a grain of salt and that he had listened to the debate. I trust that he has read the information that Mr Humphries put before the house, including the letter from the Canberra Times which specifically sets out the 1995 and 1996 figures to which Mr Corbell was referring. Mr Corbell has made that very clear to this Assembly. Mr Humphries has helped him along the way. I am not sure that he meant to, but he has helped him along the way. Mr Humphries damned his own case and indeed undermined totally his own case for a censure motion, because the letter in the Canberra Times very clearly establishes from the word go where Mr Corbell was coming from. The Government's censure motion should not survive.

Mr Speaker, I too am a little concerned about the lack of input so far from crossbenchers in relation to ACTEW. I would like to hear more from them. Whilst they revel in having the balance of power, they also have to understand that they can do nothing without the Labor Party. They amount to nothing without the Labor Party, the Opposition, in this place. We want to make a contribution to the debate on ACTEW. I just want to echo the comments of my leader that we would like everybody else to make a contribution to the debate and express their views so that we can fully debate all opinions in relation to the issue. I think it would be quite unfair for those on the crossbenches to sit and listen to what everybody else has said before they make a decision. Offer us the challenge of assessing your views as well.

Question put:

That the amendment (Mr Osborne's) to Mr Berry's amendment be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 3	 	NOES, 12

Mr Kaine	Mr Berry
Mr Osborne	Mr Corbell
Mr Rugendyke	Mr Cornwell
		Mr Hargreaves
		Mr Hird
		Mr Humphries
		Mr Moore
		Mr Quinlan
		Mr Smyth
		Mr Stanhope
		Mr Stefaniak
		Ms Tucker
Question so resolved in the negative.

Amendment (Mr Berry's) negatived.

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