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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1998 Week 8 Hansard (28 October) . . Page.. 2349 ..

MR SPEAKER: Just a moment. The option is up to Mr Humphries. Mr Berry, you yourself have said that Mr Humphries either withdraws or moves a motion. Mr Humphries has indicated that he will not withdraw it, so he is about to move a motion, I presume. I do not know.

Mr Corbell: On the point of order, Mr Speaker: Standing orders dictate quite clearly that if there is a suggestion that a member has misled the house, it must be made by way of substantive motion, not in an answer to a question.

MR HUMPHRIES: I am happy to move a substantive motion, Mr Speaker.

Mr Corbell: There is no motion before the Assembly, and he has to withdraw that comment. He can only make that comment in a debate on the substantive motion.

MR SPEAKER: I ask Mr Humphries to withdraw the comment. It is now up to Mr Humphries.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, I intend to support the comment by seeking leave now to move a motion of censure against Mr Corbell. Mr Speaker, on the point of order - if I might address that issue before Mr Berry rises again - I am entitled to sustain the comment if I immediately move a motion to support it.

Mr Stanhope: No, you are not.


MR HUMPHRIES: I am alleging that Mr Corbell has misled the Assembly, and I intend to support it by moving a motion to that effect. I am seeking leave now to move a motion of censure of Mr Corbell.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Just a moment. Mr Humphries, you are going to claim that Mr Corbell has misled the Assembly. You are now going to substantiate it by moving a motion; is that correct?

MR HUMPHRIES: Absolutely, Mr Speaker.

Mr Berry: He will not be getting leave until after question time. Mr Speaker, I ask you to order him to withdraw the comment. If he wants to move the censure motion after question time, we will see what the Assembly decides. The substantive issue here is that in the course of answering a question from one of his colleagues he made an allegation - not in terms of a substantive motion - an imputation that Mr Corbell had misled the Assembly. He should withdraw it. If he wants to proceed with this censure motion at some time later, the Assembly can then contemplate whether it wishes to proceed with it.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, on the point of order - - -

Mr Berry: Well, I think you have had enough goes.

MR SPEAKER: Order! I will make that decision.

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