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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1998 Week 6 Hansard (3 September) . . Page.. 1942 ..

Mr Berry: Was it a Cabinet decision?

MR STEFANIAK: Yes, and go and read the Estimates Committee transcript. Mr Corbell continued:

What is your view of the appropriateness of that view, and have there been other reviews previously to concern the past 12 to 18 months that have looked at the same sorts of issues that this review is looking at?

Mr Edwards said:

There has been reviews done in the last 18 months that have classified the Civic Youth Centre as a worthy cause, it is needed. Our view on the new style is that, yes, we will fit into and work with any model that comes up.

I will continue for my remaining 10 minutes, Mr Speaker, if I may.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you.

MR STEFANIAK: Mr Edwards went on to say:

We will certainly be looking at models from interstate. We know of a couple already that we are keen to look at. We are here to provide the best service we can and the best practices and we will work within the organisation or any committee that is heading in that direction.

MR CORBELL: I realise this is a difficult question to answer but do you feel that there is perhaps a level of duplication in the sort of reviews that are currently being undertaken compared to what has occurred previously, or is that an unfair question?

MR ATTENBOROUGH: This recent information that came through this morning, I think this new review that they are sort of looking at at this stage is best practice on a - an all under one roof, so to speak, where the last one they had was in regards to new centres and their viability, so to speak, and how they perform, what services they perform. I think this one was looking at going under the entire umbrella is a little bit different, it is not going to be the same as what happened before a reliable rating report.

So I just make those comments in relation to that.

Mr Speaker, Mr Quinlan made some comments in relation to another part of my portfolio area, sport, and I must say I very much empathise with much of what he said. He said that the promotion of elite sport was fine, and it was great in its own right, but he did have a concern that there needed to be maintenance of sport at the grassroots level and a firm focus on what we do at the elite level as well as the grassroots level. That is increasingly important, Mr Speaker.

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