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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1998 Week 5 Hansard (25 August) . . Page.. 1252 ..

MR HUMPHRIES (continuing):

Psychologists Act - Instruments of appointment of Chairperson and members of the Psychologists Board of the ACT - Nos 102 to 107 of 1998 (G24, dated 17 June 1998).

Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act - Determination of fees and charges - No. 122 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998).

Housing Assistance Act - Variation to public rental housing assistance program - No. 155 of 1998 (S174, dated 1 July 1998).

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Commission Act - Declaration of a regulated industry - No. 119 of 1998 (correction of S162, dated 25 June 1998) (S169, dated 29 June 1998).

Lakes Act - Determination of fees - No. 124 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998).

Land (Planning and Environment) Act - Determination of fees - No. 165 of 1998 (S175, dated 9 July 1998).

Legislative Assembly (Members' Staff) Act -

Arrangements made under section 10(2) to amend staff salary allocations to Members to employ staff from 27ÊApril 1998 until the end of the 1997-98 financial year - No. 79 of 1998 (S132, dated 20ÊMay 1998).

Arrangements made under section 10(2) to provide staff allocations to Members to employ staff in the 1998-99 financial year - No. 189 of 1998 (S185, dated 13 August 1998).

Arrangements made under section 5(2) to provide staff allocations for the Speaker to employ staff in the 1998-99 financial year - No. 190 of 1998 (S185, dated 13 August 1998).

Liquor Act - Determination of fees - No. 152 of 1998 (S173, dated 1 July 1998).

Magistrates Court Act and Coroners Act - Determination of fees and charges - No. 95 of 1998 (G24, dated 17 June 1998).

Magistrates Court (Civil Jurisdiction) Act - Magistrates Court (Civil Jurisdiction) (Solicitors' Costs) Regulations (Amendment) - Subordinate Law No. 2 of 1998 (S46, dated 16 January 1998).

Meat Act - Determination of fees and charges - No. 121 of 1998 (S167, dated 29ÊJune 1998).

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