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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1998 Week 4 Hansard (25 June) . . Page.. 1078 ..

MR MOORE (continuing):

There is $700,000 in recurrent funds for an extended care secure service for people with serious mental health problems, and another $400,000 for community-based mental health services, including an expansion of community-based support places for people who would otherwise be placed in institutional settings. There is funding for a dual diagnosis program where patients exhibit mental health and substance abuse problems. This is not just about a clever government and a clever city; this is about a caring government and a caring city.

In the area of drug abuse, we will ensure that we fund the new trials being undertaken using buprenorphine and naltrexone to assist people in detoxification and to assist in helping their heroin addiction. Indeed, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I will be speaking about that matter later on this afternoon. Another important initiative this year was the provision of a further $350,000 to ACT Community Care, with a specific focus on increasing allied health services for people with chronic health conditions, particularly the aged. Another $90,000 has been allocated to the ACT Division of General Practice for its HIV/AIDS primary care services and support program. That is another example - there is example after example - of a caring government. That is what we are here for. These are additional to the sort of care that has been contributed by many people working in a range of health and community care areas, particularly community care services, our public servants who work there and the non-government organisations that we fund and that deliver these services.

This year's budget includes full-year funding for the new Link program - a joint community-based discharge and support service developed in partnership between ACT Community Care and the Canberra Hospital. This is about a health system that is interested in holistic health. It is interested in partnerships. It is interested in ensuring that people work together to establish a caring capital and a caring government. To do it this way is clever. That is why it is, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, that I am proud to be part of a clever, caring capital. Many of these things are very difficult to achieve without the appropriate support, and some of that support is achieved in advanced information technology services. I am involved as well in my part of the clever thing that this Government has done in arranging expenditure of $80m in information technology, so that we can ensure the best possible delivery of those services.

Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, this is the best budget that has been delivered in this house since self-government. It comes from a clever government. It is a clever budget and it is a caring budget.

Mr Berry: Is that speaking as a Liberal or as an Independent?

MR MOORE: I say that as an Independent. It is the best budget because this budget does not do what every Labor budget did. That is how they can be dismissed so easily. Every single Labor budget delivered for future generations a major liability. This budget is the first budget that deliberately sets out to reduce the operating deficit. That, in itself, is a major contribution to society. It is part of a healthy, safe, diverse and contributing community. It is about a clever, caring capital.

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