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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1998 Week 2 Hansard (21 May) . . Page.. 475 ..


Debate resumed from 30 April 1998, on motion by Mr Humphries:

That this Bill be agreed to in principle.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Leave granted to dispense with the detail stage.

Bill agreed to.

Sitting suspended from 12.06 to 2.30 pm


Rural Residential Development

MR STANHOPE: Mr Speaker, my question is to the Chief Minister. Mr Speaker, in the Assembly on 19 May the Chief Minister said that PALM was currently in the process of doing a full review of rural residential development in the ACT, due to be completed by the end of June. Referring to the failed rural residential development at Hall, Capital News on the same day reported that the Carnell Government remains supportive of such projects.

Ms Carnell: Committed to.

MR STANHOPE: Committed to. Can the Chief Minister say whether the fact that the Government is committed to rural residential development pre-empts the objectivity of the PALM review?

MS CARNELL: Mr Speaker, I know that this is going to come as a huge surprise to Mr Stanhope; but - guess what - PALM does not set Government policy. I know that this is a very hard thing to work out. Government policy is that we support rural residential development, and PALM is doing a review to look at the ways that it can be done: The checks and balances, the approaches that need to be taken, where it should happen - all those sorts of things, Mr Speaker. But at the end of the day, fascinatingly, we actually set our own policy.

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