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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1998 Week 1 Hansard (28 April) . . Page.. 47 ..

MR BERRY (continuing):

(e) if the Assembly is not sitting when the Committee is ready to report on bills and subordinate legislation, the Committee may send its report to the Speaker, or, in the absence of the Speaker, to the Deputy Speaker, who is authorised to give directions for its printing and circulation;

(f) the majority of members constitutes a quorum of the Committee;

(g) the Committee be provided with the necessary additional staff, facilities and resources.Ó.

(3) After paragraph (3) insert the following new paragraphs:

Ò(4) a Standing Committee on Planning be appointed to examine matters related to planning, land management, commercial development, industrial and residential development, infrastructure and capital works, heritage;

(5) a Standing Committee on Environment be appointed to examine matters related to sustainable development, science and technology, the environment, conservation, energy and resources.Ó.

(4) Paragraph (5), omit ÒStanding Committee on Urban ServicesÓ, substitute ÒStanding Committee on PlanningÓ.

Select Committee on the Report of the Review of Governance

(5) Omit paragraph (2), substitute the following paragraph:

Ò(2) the Committee be composed of 5 members to be notified in writing to the Speaker by 5.00 p.m. on Thursday, 30 April 1998.Ó.

Mr Speaker, let me deal with the Standing Committee on Public Accounts. The Fitzgerald inquiry in Queensland was a memorable inquiry which turned up all sorts of corruption and mismanagement in the Queensland Parliament. Let us not forget the similarities between the parliamentary system there and the one here. They are both unicameral systems, and in many ways the Executive can become the supreme decision-making body when matters are not referred to a second chamber.

In those circumstances the committee system needs to be based on a clear understanding that there is a need for scrutiny committees quite separate from the policy committees which have been the practice in this place. Let me read to you a couple of paragraphs.

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