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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 14 Hansard (11 December) . . Page.. 5071 ..

MR HUMPHRIES (continuing):


The Government supports the introduction of a scheme regulating security staff employed in the liquor industry. The Government has prepared the Crowd Marshals Industry Code of Practice, which will shortly be prescribed as subordinate legislation under the Fair Trading Act 1992. The Code, to be administered by the Consumer Affairs Bureau, regulates those persons providing crowd marshal services and prohibits participation in the industry by persons who are not appropriate for or capable of providing a crowd marshal service - for example, persons who have insufficient training or experience and persons who have convictions involving fraud, violence drugs or weapons, for which a custodial sentence could have been imposed. While some allowance has been made for a transitional period, full compliance will be mandatory by 1 July 1998.

The Government supports the recommendation that consumers be educated in the responsible consumption of alcohol. The Government currently has in place the Alcohol Go Easy Campaign addressing adult alcohol education and other programs addressing issues such as health and drink driving. The Government is committed to the continuation of such programs and is currently undertaking an evaluation of the ACT Drug Strategy 1995-97.

The Government supports the recommendation to establish a Liquor Industry Advisory Council and has commenced steps to formally establish such a group.

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