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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 13 Hansard (3 December) . . Page.. 4416 ..

MR HUMPHRIES (continuing):

Presumably, that means that if we had not been able to persuade them to give us an extra $900,000 for legal aid funding it would have been our fault, not their fault because they were cutting back on legal aid. Presumably, if we do not get agreement with them on disability services funding it will be because we have not tried hard enough, not because they have been bastards when it comes to cutting back on spending in these areas. As I say, the line being run by the Opposition is confusing in the extreme. It is also extraordinarily badly timed. Only today we have seen the announcement in the newspaper, on the front page, about substantial agreement between the ACT and Federal governments on a very significant matter relating to planning. By all means condemn us for having discussed this issue and having reached agreement with it on the creation of 999-year leases.

Ms McRae: You miss the point entirely. You are just ducking.

MR HUMPHRIES: Not at all. You say I am just ducking. This is exactly the point. This is about cooperation with the Federal Government on planning issues.

Ms McRae: You are just ducking the issues. Why don't you address the substantive issues?

MR HUMPHRIES: Ms McRae, is it not about planning issues?

Ms McRae: Mr Speaker, if he asks me questions may I please interject?


Ms McRae: Well, would you please ask him to stop asking me questions?

MR SPEAKER: Rhetorical questions, I am sure.

Ms McRae: No. He is asking me very specific questions.

MR HUMPHRIES: They are rhetorical questions, Mr Speaker.

Ms McRae: Mr Speaker, that is a whole new definition of the word "rhetorical". I urge you to be very careful.

MR SPEAKER: You are not allowed to respond to them. You will be able to respond at the end of the debate.

MR HUMPHRIES: The question has to be asked: What exactly are you saying? Are you saying we do not cooperate with the Federal Government on planning issues?

Mr Berry: No; we are saying you are hopeless.

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