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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 13 Hansard (2 December) . . Page.. 4309 ..
MRS CARNELL (continuing):
appropriate for children to be removed from their home, Family Services try to make contact with children's extended families or kinship groups, including any relevant members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, groups or community associations, before considering other arrangements for substitute care.
Madam Deputy Speaker, I would like to mention two initiatives that will go some way to addressing the concerns of indigenous youth coming into contact with the criminal justice system. Firstly, the Government has demonstrated its commitment to maintaining services to Aboriginal young people by providing, from 1 January 1998, ongoing funding to the Gugan Gulwan Youth Aboriginal Corporation. Gugan Gulwan's annual Commonwealth funding was withdrawn on 31 March 1997 as part of the significant funding reforms implemented through the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission. Although limited funds were provided by ATSIC as an interim measure, it was expected that Gugan Gulwan would have to close by the end of 1997.
Debate interrupted.
MADAM DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! It being 5.00 pm, I propose the question:
That the Assembly do now adjourn.
Mr Humphries: I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.
Question resolved in the negative.
Ministerial Statement and Paper
Debate resumed.
MRS CARNELL: This Government is very conscious of the importance of maintaining quality services for our young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. A 12-month contract will therefore be negotiated for the provision of these services, with Gugan Gulwan as the preferred provider in the first instance. The service provided by Gugan Gulwan will consist of an Aboriginal-managed youth centre, a substantial outreach function designed to actively foster the access of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people to established mainstream services, and a youth health support function to focus on drug and alcohol issues. Before the end of the initial 12-month contract period we will undertake a rigorous consultation and review process with stakeholders and the ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. This will allow us to gauge the success of these programs and provide direction for further programs for Aboriginal young people in the ACT. At this point either Gugan Gulwan will be recontracted for the service or the service will be subject to tender.
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