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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 12 Hansard (13 November) . . Page.. 4096 ..

MRS CARNELL (continuing):

It gets even more interesting, the further back you go. Only the other day one of my staff discovered a newspaper article dated 31 October 1993. Let me read out part of it. I think the issue of consistency is a very interesting one when you read this. It was in the Sunday Telegraph. Obviously, those opposite would think that was a very good source. There was this story:

ACT Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Sport Wayne Berry has urged the Australian Soccer Federation to inform the Australian Olympic Committee that Canberra wants and is "ready, willing and able" to stage one of the four team soccer pools for the Sydney Olympics.

Berry made the plea earlier this week to the ASF's chief executive Ian Holmes at the annual ACT Soccer Federation's presentation night.

It went on:

"When Canberra hosted two of the World Youth Cup games we showed soccer's international body, FIFA, and others that we have the ground and the organisational skills necessary to run such events", Berry said.

"I want to put everyone on notice that Canberra wants one of the four soccer pools from the Sydney Olympics".

Listening to Mr Berry today, he could have fooled me. He could have fooled me, because this is the politician who has attacked the upgrading of Bruce Stadium as a wrong priority for Canberra.

Mr Berry: Spot on.

MRS CARNELL: He still believes that it is a wrong priority for Canberra. Four years ago, Mr Berry was telling everyone who cared to listen that he would stop at nothing to make Canberra a host city. Today, he is doing all he can to undermine the city's involvement in something as important as the Olympics. It is time for Labor to either put up or shut up; either they support the improvements to Bruce Stadium and Olympic soccer, or they do not. I think, in this question time, they have indicated that they do not. They keep saying, "No; wrong priority". It tends to indicate to me that they do not support it. But what is it to be, Mr Berry? I think you really have to come clean on this. I have said it before, and I will say it again: If you are in government in the year 2000, Mr Berry, and you are not too ashamed - - -

Ms McRae: We will not invite you to the Olympics, I can assure you.

MRS CARNELL: I would be very surprised if you did, because that is not your style.

Ms McRae: That is right.

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