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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 12 Hansard (12 November) . . Page.. 4024 ..

Mr Humphries: Since when do people supply a timeframe? When did you ever supply a timeframe?

Ms McRae: When we were asked, and you are being asked.

MR SPEAKER: Do you have a supplementary question? The question has just been taken on notice, Ms Reilly.

Mr Berry: I will just move a motion that it be provided by the close of business, and that would clarify the matter. Would you like that?

Mr Humphries: We will do so, but we will do it when we can do it, in reasonable time.

Mrs Carnell: Like we always do.

MR SPEAKER: Ms Reilly, do you have a supplementary question? Everybody else over there has asked a question.

MS REILLY: Chief Minister, just what does "temporary" in "temporary accommodation allowance" mean?

MRS CARNELL: Mr Speaker, "temporary accommodation allowance", I am confident, is defined under the regulations. I would be very surprised if it were not.

Mr Whitecross: Where is your brief? Do you not have a brief? Why do you not read the brief?

MRS CARNELL: Mr Speaker, temporary accommodation allowance is an allowance that has been in the regulations under the Act since those opposite were in government and were using the same rules and the same indications that they used before. Mr Speaker, it is wrong if those opposite are saying that temporary accommodation allowance and other allowances were not paid to people under those regulations. Temporary accommodation allowance is in the regulations under the Act. I am confident that it would be defined in some way under the Act. It is an entitlement.

I would assume, Mr Speaker, that those opposite are not arguing that public servants should not get their entitlements under the Act. Mr Speaker, I think those opposite had better come clean on these questions. Are they planning to remove these entitlements when they get into government next year, because it certainly looks like they are a good show, looking at the polling? Are they saying that temporary accommodation allowance - - -

Ms Reilly: Which Act?

Ms McRae: Is yours better than ours?

Mr Hird: I am starting to worry!

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