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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 11 Hansard (6 November) . . Page.. 3827 ..

Mrs Carnell (continuing):

2) Under the terms of the Agreement AOFR agreed to establish a modern integrated technology manufacturing facility and that this establishment:

. supplies products to the telecommunication industry;

. conducts research and development; and

. provides a major regional headquarters for the Asia-Pacific region.

Under the terms of the Agreement AOFR also agreed to:

. employ staff at this facility; and

. report the number of full time employees at six monthly intervals.

AOFR has established a modern integrated facility at Symonston that serves as a regional headquarters to the Asia-Pacific region. They manufacture and supply products to the telecommunications industry. They conduct research and development and they employ staff to perform these functions. AOFR regularly report staffing levels to the ACT Government.

AOFR has complied fully with the terms of the Agreement. AOFR has not broken its Agreement with the ACT Government.

a) Not applicable.

b) Yes. If the company is in default then the Government can require the company to pay certain amounts to the ACT Government.

b)i) The amount payable by the company is a percentage of the value of the Financial Assistance Package provided to them. The percentage varies depending on the date that any default may occur.

b)ii) No. There has been no need to resort to the default provisions because the Agreement has not been broken.

c) Not applicable.

3) No.

a) Not applicable.

b) Not applicable.

4 No. AOFR is no longer receiving any assistance. AOFR now pays land tax, rates and payroll tax to the ACT Government as well as providing significant employment and income to the region.

a) Not applicable.

b) Not applicable.

c) Not applicable.

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