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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 10 Hansard (25 September) . . Page.. 3485 ..


. Building approval processes, revised in consultation with industry, will set a national benchmark.

. In August 1996 the Government instituted a "Future Directions" review for Building, Electrical and Plumbing Control (BEPCON) which proposed a number of extensive changes such as private certification and other alternate regulatory arrangements. Industry has commented on this review and I will be considering shortly the best way to implement major improvements here.

. Following regular forums with housing and building industry groups, PALM initiated in July 1997 a continuous improvement review of the Development Application process and especially applications dealing with design and siting issues. An eminent local government officer from NSW is undertaking that review.

Despite being more cricicised and impogned than perhaps any other class of ACT bureaucrat, officers of PALM have adapted to a year of change with dedication and professionalism. despite upheaval on a scale not seen since Self-Government, the Territory's planning apparatus is today stronger, better-focussed, more professional, better-skilled and, above all, more customer-oriented than ever before.

I am proud of the achievements of this arm of the ACT public service.

Mr Speaker, l am pleased to table this report and I urge Members to read it carefully and support PALM in the coming year.

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