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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 10 Hansard (25 September) . . Page.. 3446 ..

who are drilling bores in the ACT and to ensure that the necessary information on the bores drilled is provided. This will be achieved through the licensing of drillers.

In regard to obtaining information there are several matters which need to be noted. While ACT Government agencies have maintained a reasonable water monitoring network in relation to the assessment of surface water resources, information on groundwater resources is poor, as is information on water use generally, apart from that harvested by ACTEW Corporation.

For effective management of ACT water resources, it is essential that Government has sound information on both groundwater and surface water resources, their use and their inter-relation. Information particularly on the number and location of bores, bore water quality and use, and quantity available is urgently needed. Under current legislative arrangements the collection of such information is impracticable. However, the collection of data will be addressed as soon as this legislation is in place as is clear by the transitional arrangements.

While the Bill's primary purpose is the sound management of the Territory's water resources, the way water resources are managed potentially has serious environmental impacts. The management of the Territory's water will therefore be the responsibility of the Environment Management Authority established by the Environment Protection Bill 1997.


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