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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 10 Hansard (25 September) . . Page.. 3360 ..

Mr Kaine: That is a bit hard to do.

MR BERRY: It would take a pretty big button; I agree with you. It would take a zipper and velcro with a double closure.

Mrs Carnell: We are just going to get rid of that bit of the Bill.

MR BERRY: Mrs Carnell says that she is just going to delete it.

Mrs Carnell: We will just get rid of Part III. It is easy.

MR BERRY: "We will just get rid of Part III", Mrs Carnell says.

MR SPEAKER: Order! I know it is late, but come to order.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, the time of day has nothing to do with it.

MR SPEAKER: Otherwise a few people will be going early.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, the committee this morning talked about the Public Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill. I must admit to Mr Moore that I have not had the time today to read the report which came in this morning; but I am prepared to read it now on my feet, if that is what he would like, so everybody will understand it.

Mr Moore: You are not permitted to, by standing orders, Wayne. You know the standing orders.

MR BERRY: In referring to the Public Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, the report states:

The clauses of this Bill are for the most part consequential upon the enactment of the Public Health Act 1997.

We understand that. The report goes on:

Its major features are:

provisions of various Acts are in effect transferred to the Public Health Act 1997.

some of these Acts are repealed.

One part which is repealed is quite curious, and it is not explained in the Chief Minister's speech or in the explanatory memorandum. I refer you to section 9A of the Building Act, Mr Moore. Do you recall what that refers to?

Mr Moore: No.

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