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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 10 Hansard (24 September) . . Page.. 3218 ..
MR HUMPHRIES (continuing):
A number of proposals have been discussed at various stages at a level below government, and on each occasion the Government has indicated very clearly that it wishes to involve those on the site already as occupants of buildings there with any proposals that might come forward. I am aware that my department has had some approach from a company, the name of which I cannot recall at the moment, for development of that site. At the very first instance we directed that company to discuss the proposal with the tenants at the ROCKS site. There is a committee, I think, representing all the tenants there and that, I think, has been approached to discuss the proposal. In fact, that has occurred before any discussions occur with Ministers, in order to try to head off the inevitable criticism - no doubt the Greens will be responsible for some of it - of us handling the whole process in the wrong way. We have put it at arm's length to let the developer talk to the ROCKS people about it. No doubt when they have educated themselves with that view from the ROCKS tenants they will come back and talk to the Government directly about that kind of thing.
It may come to nothing. I must say that most of these proposals do come to nothing. We hear far more proposals which end up going nowhere than we hear ones that ultimately result in developments. However, while they are being talked about they will be a cause of concern to some people. That is why we have directed them to talk to the people who will be most concerned at the very first stage. I cannot answer any of the other questions that have been posed, because the idea is no more than that - an idea - at this stage.
MS TUCKER: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Still staying with the ROCKS, can you confirm that the Ethnic Communities Council and the Migrant Resource Centre, who are presently located at the Griffin Centre, have been offered some place in the ROCKS area by your Government?
MR HUMPHRIES: No, I do not think I can. I know that there has also been some talk at various stages about a redevelopment of the Griffin Centre site. Again, that is one of those ideas that come forward about every 18 months for where at least the MRC is at the moment. I am sure that there will be a proposal like that for some time to come. It may or may not result in something that will be worth while. I can assure members of this place, and the Greens, in particular, that we will handle the process very carefully. We will attempt to consult everybody we possibly can before any decisions are made. When someone comes forward and - - -
Mr Moore: Ask them how to go about it.
MR HUMPHRIES: Indeed. Mr Speaker, this is the opportunity. I would invite Ms Tucker to come forward and tell us how a Greens government would handle this kind of proposal.
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