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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 10 Hansard (23 September) . . Page.. 3120 ..
MR CORBELL: I ask a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. I was referring to electronic advertising, not print advertising. What assurance can the Chief Minister provide that the Feel the Power of Canberra campaign is not being screened in the ACT and the surrounding region only as assistance to the political future of her Government in the lead-up to the next Legislative Assembly election campaign?
MRS CARNELL: Mr Speaker, I am sure that Annette Ellis has not been renowned for her support for the ACT Liberal Government, and she was up there yesterday on the podium with us. I understand that the head of the Department of Business, Annabelle Pegrum, is talking to Sydney television today with regard to the placement of ads. In fact, in my initial answer to the question - Mr Corbell obviously did not listen - I said that the second phase of the campaign will see the advertisement run nationally, with a particular emphasis on the Sydney market. Annabelle Pegrum is talking to Sydney television today. We would envisage this occurring in the next couple of weeks, to restate what I have already said. We had members of the sporting community there yesterday; we had Annette Ellis, a Labor member of the Federal Parliament. It is only those opposite who simply cannot accept that we have to be positive in this city if we are to get things back on track and if we are to achieve our maximum potential.
MRS LITTLEWOOD: Mr Speaker, my question is to the Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning. Minister, could you explain to the house the significance of the recent signing of the Natural Heritage Trust agreement between the ACT and the Commonwealth?
MR HUMPHRIES: I thank Mrs Littlewood for that question. Members may be aware that it was only a couple of weeks ago, on 9 September, that I went to Parliament House to sign the Natural Heritage Trust agreement between the ACT and the Commonwealth. My cosignatories were the Federal Minister for the Environment, Robert Hill, and the Minister for Primary Industries, John Anderson.
This Government in the ACT has been quick to level criticism at the Federal Liberal Government when that criticism is warranted. Unlike our predecessors in office, we have not been afraid to criticise those of our own political persuasion where those colleagues have acted against the interests of the people of Canberra. It follows from that position that we should also be quick to offer praise where praise is due and, with respect to the Natural Heritage Trust, I think great praise is due for the efforts of the Federal Government. The fact is that the Federal Government has allocated $1 billion from the impending sale of Telstra to protect Australia's biodiversity and to promote ecologically sustainable development. For all the environmental bluster of some on the hill, no other Commonwealth administration has ever allocated such a large sum for the protection of Australia's natural resources.
The Natural Heritage Trust agreement between the ACT and the Commonwealth sets the basis for the Commonwealth to contribute resources on top of the resources already committed by the ACT Government for our extensive environmental program.
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