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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 9 Hansard (4 September) . . Page.. 3004 ..

MR MOORE: I move:

Page 5, lines 5 to 9, clause 7, paragraph (d), proposed paragraphs 25(3)(a) and (b), omit the paragraphs, substitute Òconvicted of another offence specified in subsection (4).Ó.

Page 7, line 15, clause 10, proposed subsection 31(1), omit all words after ÒoffenceÓ, substitute Òthe Court may cancel the person[Otilde]s driving licence.Ó.

Page 7, lines 22 to 28, clause 10, proposed subsection 32(2), omit all words after Òsection,Ó, substitute Òthe Court may disqualify the person from holding a driving licence for a period not exceeding the period specified in the third column of the table opposite that level.Ó.

Page 7, line 31 to page 8, line 3, clause 10, omit all words after Ò4,Ó, substitute Òthe Court may disqualify the person from holding a driving licence for a period not exceeding the period specified in the third column of the table opposite that level.Ó.

Page 8, clause 10, proposed section 32 (table), omit third column of table headed ÒMinimum Court disqualificationÓ.

Page 8, clause 10, proposed section 32 (table), omit ÒDefaultÓ from heading of final column of table, substitute ÒMaximumÓ.

Page 8, lines 9 to 15, clause 10, proposed subsection 33(2), omit all words after Òsection,Ó, substitute Òthe Court may disqualify the person from holding a driving licence for a period not exceeding the period specified in the third column of the table opposite that level.Ó.

Page 8, lines 18 to 24, clause 10, proposed subsection 33(3), omit all words after Ò4,Ó, substitute Òthe Court may disqualify the person from holding a driving licence for a period not exceeding the period specified in the third column of the table opposite that level.Ó.

Page 9, clause 10, proposed section 33 (table), omit the third column of table headed ÒMinimum Court disqualificationÓ.

Page 9, clause 10, proposed section 33 (table), omit ÒDefaultÓ from heading of final column of table, substitute "MaximumÓ.

Page 9, lines 3 to 7, clause 10, proposed subsection 34(1), omit all words after Ò19(1),Ó, substitute Òthe Court may disqualify the person from holding a driving licence for a period not exceeding 3 years.Ó.

Page 9, lines 9 to 13, clause 10, proposed subsection 34(2), omit all words after Ò19(1),Ó, substitute Òthe Court may disqualify the person from holding a driving licence for a period not exceeding 5 years.Ó.

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