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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 9 Hansard (4 September) . . Page.. 2942 ..

MR HUMPHRIES (continuing):

to mitigating the greenhouse effect. Professor Plimer pointed out, interestingly, that the major contributor to greenhouse gases is in fact not methane, carbon monoxide or something of that kind. The major contributor is in fact water vapour. Water vapour comes from the oceans. It is a naturally occurring phenomenon.

Green ideology would have us believe that man is the major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, when in fact it could be said that mother nature makes the biggest contribution of all. Naturally, a lack of scientific rigour is a trademark of Green politics, and the Green movement has never been shy to embrace new theories without the benefit of evidence. The Greens instinctively know what is good for the environment and they are not going to be held back by the burden of proof. I have heard many Green theories, and the lack of scientific rigour which they apply to their conclusions has been labelled "junk science" - a very apt name for the collection of half-truths and emotion that sometimes masquerades as Green ideology.

One cannot help wondering whether climate change may or may not be an experience that this planet has been going through from the very beginning of time and will continue to go through in the future, irrespective of the actions or lack of action by human beings.

Ms Tucker: Have you heard about the precautionary principle, Mr Humphries?

MR HUMPHRIES: Indeed. Ms Tucker refers to the precautionary principle. That is a very good principle to work on. I certainly agree on taking a precautionary approach; but I think it is also important not to exaggerate the extent to which we might be affected by change, the nature of which and the causes of which we as a community do not understand. I do not mean that in the sense that we are individually ignorant. I mean that we are collectively ignorant because of the lack of scientific knowledge that sometimes exists on those questions.

I have to say also that I strongly resist, and even resent, the constant accusation by those in one part of the chamber that this Government either does not care about the greenhouse effect, taking measures under the precautionary principle - - -

Ms Tucker: You just said that it probably did not exist, so why should you care?

MR HUMPHRIES: Let me be very clear about this. I did not say that it did not exist. I said that we have to be very cautious about urging an absolute boots-and-all approach that says there will be no rest until we have eliminated every cause of a greenhouse gas.

Ms Tucker: It is not boots and all that we are asking for.

Ms McRae: Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, on a point of order: The Independents this afternoon allowed a member to be ejected because of interjections. I call on you to call that member to order.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Hird): I did not hear any interjections. If there are any interjections, they are out of order. I would ask members to listen to the Minister in silence. Interjections are contrary to standing orders. I uphold the point of order.

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