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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 9 Hansard (3 September) . . Page.. 2825 ..

MR HUMPHRIES: You are asking me questions about it.

Ms McRae: Why do you not answer it, instead of asking more questions?

MR SPEAKER: Order! I am getting tired of these interjections, and Mr Corbell will not be the only person who is warned.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, if there is a lack of accountability and transparency in the arrangements whereby the AFP supply the ACT with these police, the question that needs to be asked is why the contract which provided for those arrangements was renewed by the ACT Labor Government in those terms. We did not renew the contract. You guys did.

Mr Wood: You just let it run. You do not care about it.

MR HUMPHRIES: The question that needs to be asked - - -

Mr Wood: He has to be asked. He let it run.


MR HUMPHRIES: The question that needs to be asked is why that level of sloppiness, if you like, in the - - -

Mr Berry: You have been sitting on your hands all the time.

MR SPEAKER: I warn Mr Berry.

MR HUMPHRIES: Why should the sloppiness evident in the former Government's handling of these matters be excused in their case but we be condemned in ours when we have brought the problem to light for the first time?

Mr Wood: No, you did not.

MR HUMPHRIES: I have nothing to apologise for, Mr Speaker.

Mr Wood: When we asked.

MR SPEAKER: I warn Mr Wood. There will not be any of you left soon.

MR HUMPHRIES: I appropriately asked why that should be the case, without there being the questions asked by those opposite. We have asked the questions. We have delivered information to the Assembly and we intend to provide for a remedy or rectification of that problem.

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