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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 8 Hansard (28 August) . . Page.. 2705 ..

Mister Speaker, I present four Executive Contracts and five Schedule D variations.

The contracts are tabled in accordance with Sections 31A and 79 of the Public Sector Management Act, which require the tabling of all Executive contracts. You will recall that I previously tabled contracts on 26 June 1997.

Two contracts relate to long term executive arrangements for the offices of Chief Executive, Department of Urban Services and General Manager, Business Strategy and Major Projects in the Department of Business, The Arts, Sport and Tourism.

The remaining two contracts relate to short term executive arrangements. These include one for the Director, Economics, Office of Financial Management in the Chief Minister's Department; and one for the Director, Human Resources in the Department of Education and Training. Both of these short term arrangements are pending permanent filling.

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