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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 8 Hansard (28 August) . . Page.. 2683 ..

(f) 2 bedroom flat;

(g) 1 bedroom Aged Persons Unit; and

(h) 2 bedroom Aged Persons Unit.

What is the average wait-turn time, by each regional office area, as at 30 June 1997.

(5) (a) By dwelling type, listed in (4), how many ACT Housing dwellings are vacant as at 30 June 1997 and by regional office area; and

(b) What is the reason for which each property is vacant.

Mr Stefaniak - the answer to the Member's question is as follows:

(1) The reporting capacity of ACT Housing's ISIP computer system does not allow information to be provided in the form required by these questions. Nevertheless, it has been possible to generate the following answers.

Housing Waiting List

30 June 1997: 3324 applications

ACT Housing's ISIP computer system can provide information about household type for the totality of people on the waiting list for public housing. This waiting list contains two sub-categories: (1) those waiting to be allocated public housing; and, (2) public housing tenants waiting to be transferred to alternative government accommodation. The ISIP computer system does not provide information about household type with respect to the two sub-categories themselves.

The number of people on the waiting list for public housing - which includes sub-categories (1) and (2) - by household type are represented by percentage as follows:

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