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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 7 Hansard (26 June) . . Page.. 2360 ..

9 of 13

State of the Environment reporting can be enhanced and cost benefits realised through sharing of information and the use of standardised protocols for data acquisition and management. Through the Regional Leaders' Forum, the Government has agreed that the Office of the Commissioner for the Environment will expand its reporting beyond the ACT to include State of the Environment reporting obligations for the 17 Local Government Authorities in the Australian Capital Region.

The first comprehensive regional State of the Environment report will be available from December 1997.

To return to the draft Nature Conservation Strategy for the ACT Mr Speaker.

The draft Nature Conservation Strategy has been developed with the assistance of a steering committee comprising well qualified people from our community working closely with officers from my Department over the past year. I would like to place on record my appreciation for the considerable time, effort and expertise given by Dr Robert Boden, representing the Flora and Fauna Committee, Dr Don McMichael, representing the ACT Heritage Council, and Mr Geoff Butler and Mr Bruce Lindenmeyer representing the Conservation Council for the South-east Region and Canberra. The development of environment policy based on expert information and a sound appreciation of community values and expectations is recognised by the Government as fundamental to effective and equitable nature conservation outcomes.

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