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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 7 Hansard (26 June) . . Page.. 2353 ..

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Mr Speaker, the ACT's participation in development and implementation of national strategies for the conservation of Australia's natural biological values brings a number of tangible benefits in terms of information exchange, benchmarking opportunities and maintenance of important links with agencies in other jurisdictions.

Together with a strong and continuing relationship with NSW and Local Government authorities in the Australian Capital Region, these arrangements allow the Government to be well placed to take advantage of national and regional conservation programs that are directed at a cooperative and coordinated approach to common issues.

Of particular significance is the Commonwealth Government's Natural Heritage Trust and related programs that serve as a source of funding for environment programs that contribute to regional and national conservation goals. The Government will actively participate in these programs and I am pleased to advise members that some success has recently been achieved. In recognition of our pioneering work towards conservation of nationally endangered native grassland communities, a grant of $72,000 has been received through the Commonwealth Threatened Species and Communities Program to continue development of recovery measures. An additional $8,000 under the National Fisheries Action Program will assist protection of threatened fish species in the ACT.

I have also endorsed for transmission to the Commonwealth a wide range of community applications for Natural Heritage Trust funding that amount to over $500,000.

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