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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 7 Hansard (26 June) . . Page.. 2319 ..

be introduced once the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General settles on a model for interstate fine recovery.

The second issue which the Public Accounts Committee raised concerns the commencement date for the online recording of criminal cases by the Supreme Court.

I am pleased to inform the Assembly that the criminal case management component of the case management system in the Supreme Court is expected to be operational by 30 June 1997.

This is a positive step towards the integration of court processes. The Criminal case management system automatically downloads committal cases from the Magistrates Court to the Supreme Court. This eliminates duplication of data entry and is extremely useful for statistical purposes as it gives a complete history of a case from the time the first charge was laid in the Magistrates Court to the final outcome in the Supreme Court.

A further matter the Public Accounts Committee has raised is the introduction of legislation to implement recovery of unpaid court fines.

The Fine Default Bill was included on the Legislation Program for introduction into the Legislative Assembly in the Autumn 1997 sittings. The Public Accounts Committee recommended it be introduced in time to enable it's consideration by the Legislative


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