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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 7 Hansard (26 June) . . Page.. 2311 ..


I am pleased to announce the considerable progress that has been made in the area of workplace reform.

A new classification structure for disability support work is close to being agreed as part of negotiation under enterprise bargaining.

The new structure will achieve a number of efficiencies and staff will be able to enjoy the benefits of flexible staffing arrangements, uniform conditions of employment and new roles and responsibilities which suit business of the Disability Program. This major change will result in improved quality of support for our consumers.

Skilling the workforce is a key element of the reform process, and each new phase of the reform agenda is accompanied by training for all staff. This is addition to the regular training program which is provided.

The Disability Program became a registered training provider with five year accreditation for the Certificate III in Developmental and Disability Studies Traineeship.

The course has already produced its first graduates and the second intake is in progress and further intake is being planned. The Certificate III program continues to make a valuable contribution to improving standards by enabling current staff to participate.

The Disability Program has introduced improvements in the administration of the allocation of casual staff with the introduction of the centralised Casual Pool. This arrangement has resulted in more streamlined and efficient staffing, more control over matching casuals with consumers they know, and will result in lesser reliance on the use of agency casual staff.

The reform is making a difference. It is interesting to note that the recently released report of the investigation by the Health Complaints Commissioner, which comments on the Program as it was many months ago, recommends the same strategies that are already being implemented.

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