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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 7 Hansard (26 June) . . Page.. 2162 ..

MR HUMPHRIES (continuing):

The question is: Why Tidbinbilla? Why have we chosen to do this at Tidbinbilla? Tidbinbilla has particular characteristics which make it especially attractive. It has an established reputation as the ACT's premier nature-based tourism destination. It is a scenic location not too far from the city on tourist drive 5. There are unique opportunities for close observation of local and regional wildlife, including kangaroos, emus, platypus, koalas, and endangered species such as the brush-tailed rock wallaby. It has an excellent ranger-guided walks program and a well-developed visitor information centre with special features such as a large-scale audiovisual display and moonlight hollow.

Mr Corbell suggested that the Government has acted precipitately in introducing fees at Tidbinbilla. Of course, the studies to which I referred before, the studies which Mr Corbell's predecessor, Mr Wood, commissioned when in office, were designed to look at charging not only at Tidbinbilla but also at Namadgi, in the Murrumbidgee River corridor and at the Googong foreshores. They were all on Labor's agenda.

Mr Corbell: They were not.

MR HUMPHRIES: They were, Mr Corbell. You people commissioned a consultancy which was specifically asked to look at those questions. You shake your head. Do you want me to produce the report and show you?

Mr Corbell: I have seen the report, Minister.

MR HUMPHRIES: Then you know that what I am saying is true, do you not?

Mr Corbell: No; I dispute your interpretation.

MR HUMPHRIES: The interpretation that the document was commissioned to look at fees in those areas is evidenced by the fact - - -

Mr Corbell: It is not an interpretation that it was on our agenda, because it was not.

MR HUMPHRIES: If it was not on your agenda, why did you introduce the consultancy and the capacity to charge the fees? Why, Mr Corbell? Answer that question. We have used that document and we have used the carefully planned work done through that process to plan the way that we will charge entry fees at Tidbinbilla and use the revenue raised for services and facilities at Tidbinbilla.

Members will be aware that recently the Commonwealth Government announced that it was going to join in this upgrade of Tidbinbilla by the investment of $200,000 towards the new visitor information centre at Tidbinbilla. I have to be blunt with the Assembly. The proposal that was put to the Commonwealth Government for the upgrade of Tidbinbilla included a proposal that the ACT Government undertake the upgrade of facilities and services there. I made it perfectly clear that if fees are not to be levied at Tidbinbilla the revenue will not be there to provide for the upgraded facilities. Extra rangers cannot occur. Extra information and resources to visitors cannot occur. The river walk, which has been requested by the Friends of Tidbinbilla, cannot occur.

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