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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 6 Hansard (18 June) . . Page.. 1758 ..

MR CORBELL: Mr Speaker, I seek leave to make a personal explanation.

MR SPEAKER: Under standing order 46?

MR CORBELL: Yes, Mr Speaker. I seek leave to table in the Assembly two documents. One is page 47 of the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve draft management plan.

Mrs Carnell: How can you table something in a personal explanation, Mr Speaker?

MR CORBELL: I am seeking leave.

MR SPEAKER: I am waiting for the explanation. You are certainly not going to incorporate them in Hansard.

MR CORBELL: No. I also seek leave to table page 3 of the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve draft public works implementation plan.

Leave granted.

MR CORBELL: Both documents indicate visitor numbers to Tidbinbilla, and there is no reference, although the Minister alleged earlier that there was, to visitor numbers to Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve next year. I would ask the Minister to reflect on his answer and make sure that he has not inadvertently misled the house about the nature of the information supplied in these documents.


ACTTAB - Kaleen Agency

MR KAINE: I would like to provide an answer to a question that Ms McRae asked me on 15 May and that she prompted me about yesterday. The question was, "Why has ACTTAB chosen not to renew its agreement with the Kaleen agency?". The answer to the question is that the decision not to issue a new deed for the Kaleen agency to the current agent was a commercial decision made by the ACTTAB board. I understand that the agent was first informed of the decision 15 months ago. The current agent, Mr Paul Halliday, had the opportunity of recently meeting with the ACTTAB board to further discuss the matter and any concerns about the process.

I have been informed that the board has confirmed its earlier decision not to issue a new deed. My department has conducted an independent review of the process and can find no aspect of the process which appears to be procedurally incorrect. I am advised that Mr Halliday has made representations to the Ombudsman's office in this matter, but I have to say that the decision not to issue a new deed is a matter between Mr Halliday and the ACTTAB. In view of the circumstances, I believe that it is inappropriate for the Government to intervene.

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