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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 6 Hansard (17 June) . . Page.. 1631 ..

MR KAINE (continuing):

there was recently announced the formation of an Environment ACT group, which is more to do with the portfolio of my colleague Mr Humphries than it is to do with me. That part of the Urban Services Department responds to the Deputy Chief Minister.

As a result of the creation of that new body, I understand, there has been some transfer of responsibilities out of the City Services Group into that new organisation. That is merely correcting what has always seemed to me to be an anomaly. Certain people in the City Services organisation respond to me; some of those people have also had a dual responsibility to Mr Humphries. It seemed appropriate to move those responsibilities into the new organisation so that it is clear where the line of responsibility runs. Those changes and responsibilities have not yet been finalised.

I do not know what is happening with Ms Read. I know she is on leave. I come back to the basic premise - - -

Ms McRae: It was on the television. Have you asked them why they had it on the TV?

MR SPEAKER: Silence!

Mr Berry: Just more politicisation of the Public Service. You cannot help yourselves; you have to have people around you that agree with you.


MR KAINE: Mr Berry talks about politicisation of the Public Service. This Government has not fired a first assistant secretary yet - an absolute and utter firing by a Minister.

Members interjected.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Everybody, settle down.

MR KAINE: In fact, the whole emphasis on the part of this Government has been not to politicise it - - -

Mr Berry: You do not know anything about it; so, if you do not know anything, keep your mouth shut.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, you will perhaps have a chance to answer a question yourself at some time. I say "perhaps".

MR KAINE: I doubt it, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: If he keeps interjecting, he will not.

MR KAINE: Members of the Opposition start talking about politicising the Public Service. The first way to politicise it is for Ministers to get involved in the selection, appointment, promotion and otherwise of public servants.

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