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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 4 Hansard (8 May) . . Page.. 1175 ..

MR HUMPHRIES (continuing):

Then they go on to quote her, as follows:

"We must diversify our employment and our investment base so that the ACT never catches an economic cold again every time the Commonwealth sneezes.".

Mr Speaker, we all know, whether or not we admit it in our public statements, that that is a profoundly true statement. The diversification of our economic base is the only way to go forward. Can you rely for that program on an Opposition which consistently attacks business and, in fact, has no understanding of what business tries to do in this Territory, or will you rely on a Government which is already having some success in that very program of diversification?

There is employment growth in this city. We have seen that now persistently over five months. I know that there are long faces over there at this news. I think it is a matter of some shame that those opposite should be distressed about drops in unemployment in this Territory, but the facts are clear to see. Since this Government was elected in March 1995 the Australian Bureau of Statistics labour force figures show the following things. First, the trend unemployment rate has fallen from 7.1 per cent to 6.8 per cent. Secondly, the trend rate of 6.8 per cent is actually the lowest rate since June 1994. Thirdly, total employment has risen by 3,800 jobs in just over two years. That is close to 4,000 more people with jobs in this Territory since this Government came to office. The total number of unemployed that we inherited in March 1995 has fallen by 100.

Mr Speaker, I ask you to reflect for a moment on the enormity of that statement in the climate we are talking about - so-called unsympathetic ACT Government policies. Let us see what the evidence is: A clearly damaging employment policy being pursued by the Federal Government, and huge reductions in employment prospects at the Commonwealth level; yet the ACT Government achieves a fall in the number of unemployed by 100. You people said only a few weeks ago, "You have to accept responsibility for what is going on in the ACT Budget". Do you stand by that statement today, Mr Berry? He is not too sure. If we are to take the credit or the fault for what goes on in the ACT economy, you have to give us credit for those figures, because unemployment has fallen in this Territory for the fifth consecutive month.

Ms McRae: Totally unimpressive!

MR HUMPHRIES: Unimpressive? Is it unimpressive that there are 100 fewer unemployed people than there were when we came to office?

Ms McRae: I do not believe it. I do not believe a word of it.

MR HUMPHRIES: You do not believe it?

Ms McRae: No.

MR HUMPHRIES: Ms McRae says she does not believe it.

Ms McRae: No.

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