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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 4 Hansard (7 May) . . Page.. 1090 ..

MR HUMPHRIES (continuing):

Let us not forget the disruption caused by the demolition itself. I would not like to speculate on what it would cost us to terminate the existing contracts, so I will leave that to Ms Horodny's imagination. This is an important point, of course, Mr Speaker. The contracts have been let. To void those contracts will occasion the Territory in the payment, almost certainly, of some damages to the company which has come from Newcastle to conduct this demolition. I am not in favour of incurring that cost for no particularly good reason, particularly as I note that Ms Horodny has apparently raised this question of reusing and recycling the materials at the hospital only in the last few days, as far as I can determine, after the contracts had been let.

Ms Horodny knew what was happening. She knew that there was a process to demolish the Canberra Hospital building. She took part in a debate on a motion in this place a few weeks ago to urge us to stop the process, and she knows that failed. She also knew the Government was going out almost straightaway to seek parties to conduct the demolition. Why did she not then say, "Okay, Government, we know you have to go ahead with this. You have won the vote on the floor of the Assembly. At least go away and do these things in respect of the demolition."?

Ms Horodny: Why did you not do the processes?

MR HUMPHRIES: You did not raise them with us.

Ms Horodny: Why did you not go through the correct processes to determine whether you even need the rubble at Fairbairn Park?

MR HUMPHRIES: But we did. This is the point I am making. We have looked at the question of recycling and reusing. That is the point I am trying to make, Ms Horodny.

Ms Horodny: We are not sure you even need it there.

MR HUMPHRIES: I wish you would listen, Ms Horodny. I am trying to make that point. We have put recycling and reusing. Most of the building material and most of the things coming out of the hospital are going to be reused and recycled. We apparently have not gone as far as you would like, but since you did not raise these issues with us and did not say, "This is how far I, Lucy Horodny, want you, the Government, to go", how can you expect us to do that at this point, after we have already let the contracts?

Ms Horodny: You would have listened? I have been saying it for two years, Gary. It does not seem to make any difference.

MR HUMPHRIES: I know it seems incredible, but I might actually have listened to Ms Horodny. But I certainly cannot listen to you now that we have already let the contracts. Surely you would understand that. How can I go back to the ratepayers of this Territory and say, "We went and did what we said we were going to do. We have let contracts to demolish this building. We have built recycling and reusing into that process.

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