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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 4 Hansard (7 May) . . Page.. 1078 ..

MR MOORE (continuing):

On 10 April 1997 the Assembly resolved:


(1) the inquiry by the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment into the future route of the John Dedman Parkway include an examination of:

(a) the existing traffic levels on Ginninderra Drive and Mouat Street, Lyneham;

(b) the impact on the traffic levels on these roads of any transport proposals arising out of the Maunsell Study of the Committee's Inquiry; and

(c) the benefits and costs (including the impacts on other North Canberra suburbs) of extending Ginninderra Drive to Northbourne Avenue as a means of alleviating current and predicted future levels on Mouat Street;

(2) the Government not proceed with the installation of traffic lights at the corner of Mouat and Brigalow Streets, Lyneham, or other associated roadworks on Mouat Street until the Standing Committee has reported on its Inquiry and the Government's response has been debated in the Assembly.

The second key factor that the committee took into account in finalising terms of reference for the inquiry is the fact that the three Assembly resolutions require the Planning and Environment Committee to take into account Government decisions that have not yet been made and that might not be made for some time, including decisions about the future public transport options study, the Maunsell study, a strategy to facilitate public transport and other non-car modes of transport, a strategy to reduce vehicle movement between Gungahlin and Civic or other southern destinations, and a decision about the merit or otherwise of an eastern ring road from Gungahlin to Central Canberra via an upgraded Majura Road.

In view of the important decisions yet to be made by the Government, and in view of the considerable degree of community interest in proposals for both the John Dedman Parkway and the Ginninderra Drive and Mouat Street area, the committee urges the Government to do everything possible to speed up its decision-making processes in the above areas. This would demonstrate the Government's respect for the community and for the tight timeframe in which the committee is operating.

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