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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 4 Hansard (6 May) . . Page.. 1005 ..

Mr Speaker, the Government retains a strong interest in ensuring an adequate and diverse supply of public housing across the Territory. In 1997-98, a total of $34m will be invested in housing through an extensive capital works program. Our priority will again be adapting Canberra's ageing stock of public housing to meet the changing needs of our clients through construction of additional aged persons units near shopping centres and medium-density developments. Importantly, funding for maintenance will rise by more than 20 per cent, bringing the total funds available to more than $19m. A further 500 home buyers will be assisted through the Kick Start deposit grant scheme, at a total cost of $2.5m. I can also announce today that the Government will be transferring the management of 200 ACT Housing properties to the community sector under an exciting new partnership we have developed with the Community Housing Association. I am surprised that those opposite do not like more community-based housing. It is amazing. They are embarrassed that they did not do it.

The Government will continue to place a high priority on protecting Canberra's environment and managing our natural resources sustainably and efficiently. We will build on our achievements in our first two years in government by undertaking several new and important initiatives in 1997-98. The first of these will be the immediate protection of eight hectares of wet themeda native grassland in Dunlop, following our earlier decision to protect 500 hectares of native grassland in Gungahlin. We will also adopt a new environmentally responsible purchasing policy across all government agencies from 1 July.

A further ongoing initiative is the allocation of $490,000 for improving energy management in government buildings. The Government has also committed $750,000 to upgrade the city's cyclepaths and to construct new sections that will link Gungahlin Town Centre, Mitchell and North Canberra. Finally, I can announce that $200,000 will be made available in 1997-98 to fund a new rebate scheme for rainwater tanks, in line with our election commitment to encourage the sustainable use of our most valuable resource. Canberrans who install a tank for domestic usage will be able to claim a rebate of up to 20 per cent on their purchase and installation costs. Further details of these and other initiatives are contained in Budget Paper No. 3.

In 1997-98, we also intend to build on the urban revitalisation program that began under this Government two years ago. As part of our commitment to helping small businesses in Canberra, the main focus of this program will be on the refurbishment of local shopping centres and their precincts. To mark the next stage of our retail policy, Striking a Balance, the ACT Government has established a new $500,000 capital fund in this budget to assist retailers to upgrade facilities and improve the appearance of local centres. This helpShop fund will not only lead to improvements in services and facilities at many local shops but also directly benefit small traders who are facing a rapidly changing and increasingly competitive retail environment in Canberra. Retailers and landlords will be able to contribute to the fund, and the Government will work with them to identify suitable projects such as painting, graffiti removal, replacement of outdoor furniture, pavement repairs and so on.

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