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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 4 Hansard (6 May) . . Page.. 1000 ..

The first of these is an ambitious new campaign called Youth500, targeting Canberrans under the age of 21. The Government, in partnership with the CES and the Vocational and Employment Training Authority, has set a target of placing 500 young Canberrans in traineeships, job-based training and apprenticeships across the public and private sectors over the next 12 months. We have allocated more than $500,000 from the Jobs Fund for Youth500 that will provide for the payment to employers of an additional incentive of $1,000 for each trainee taken on, with the remaining costs to be met from existing Commonwealth subsidies. Again, that is in partnership with the Commonwealth.

The Government has also agreed to expand Youth Joblink, which is operated by the ACT and Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This program will receive an extra $60,000 in 1997-98, making a total of $225,000. It will enable an additional 50 young Canberrans to be placed in jobs in the private sector - an increase from 150 to 200 placements. The third initiative arising from the symposium is the development of a new program called Youth SelfStart that will assist 40 young unemployed people at a total cost of $40,000. Young people who have demonstrated a commitment to finding employment will be selected for the program, which combines challenging outdoor activities to enhance personal confidence with training to develop specific job search skills.

This budget also signals the introduction of a new, whole-of-government policy that will encourage companies tendering for government contracts to take on young people in full-time permanent positions. This policy will require that, all things being equal, preference be given to tenderers who intend to employ young people on a suitable ratio basis, particularly trainees.

Mr Berry: From the ACT or somewhere else, from Brisbane or somewhere?

MRS CARNELL: Mr Berry interjects. This idea came from the youth symposium. They said that we should give preference, wherever possible, to local companies that employ young people, that employ young trainees. If I were Mr Berry, I would be quiet. Mr Speaker, the ACT Government is prepared to play its part - - -

Mr Berry: What about Newcastle companies?

MR SPEAKER: You may very well go there, Mr Berry, if you keep interjecting.

Mr Berry: I would find a bit more honesty up there, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Be careful, Mr Berry. Continue, Mrs Carnell.

MRS CARNELL: Mr Speaker, the ACT Government is prepared to play its part directly in reducing youth unemployment in the national capital. In 1997-98, 25 full-time jobs for young people will be created within the ACT Department of Urban Services to help overcome a major backlog in the ACT's data collection program. The Government has also decided to maintain funding for the second year of the highly successful graffiti employment program, which will again provide part-time employment for 60 young people - 60 young people who have done a very good job. The trainee ranger program

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