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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 3 Hansard (9 April) . . Page.. 822 ..

Mr Whitecross: Do you mean like the Licensed Clubs Association who donated $12,000?


MRS CARNELL: That is spot on. Mr Speaker, if we were going to debate anything, either legislation we passed or legislation we did not change, to directly benefit somebody who had contributed to the Liberal Party campaign, I, for one, would not vote; and I know my colleagues feel exactly the same way. I believe that is extremely important.

I come back to the important question that everyone must ask themselves. (Extension of time granted) If the Labor Party acts in a way that would restrict access to poker machines to clubs, then, obviously, they are acting in a conflict of interest situation and should not vote and must not vote. Mr Osborne has made the comment that the Labor Party would need to follow its conscience on this. Ms Tucker has indicated that it is something that people should look at very seriously. We agree with all of that, and that is all this motion says.

Mr Whitecross: But you do not do it yourself.

MRS CARNELL: Very much so. I give an absolute undertaking, and I am sure all of my colleagues do, that we will not vote on anything in this place that gives a direct benefit to anybody who is a major contributor to our party. I think that is only right, Mr Speaker.

Mr Whitecross: A major contributor, even though we do not know who they are.

Mr Berry: But you regulate your own business; you put the money straight in your pocket.


Mr Berry: You regulate your own business and put the money in your pocket.


MRS CARNELL: The issue, though, that I am talking about is not the issue here. The issue here is the exclusive access of clubs to poker machines. That is the issue. It is not an issue of political contributions - - -

Mr Berry: And you want to knock them off, but you promised not to.

MR SPEAKER: Order! You have spoken already.

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