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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 2 Hansard (25 February) . . Page.. 369 ..

MR BERRY (continuing):

This all began with a conservative Liberal government in Victoria going after the conditions of working people in that State. The Industrial Relations Commission became involved in the issue - - -

Mrs Carnell: In 1994, under a Labor Federal government.

MR BERRY: Mrs Carnell interjects, "Under a Labor Federal government". Yes, the Industrial Relations Commission set a safety standard in the face of an attack by the Kennett Government in Victoria in order that workers' wages and conditions could be protected. Yes, there was a Federal Labor government, and I will bet they were proud that the Industrial Relations Commission stepped in to protect the workers. The commission decided on a safety net of 10 named holidays, plus one other holiday. That is a minimum, not a maximum. They went on to name - - -

Mrs Carnell: And then they say, "Parties by agreement, e.g. enterprise bargaining".

Mr Whitecross: Mr Speaker, are you going to do your job?


MR BERRY: They then went on to name the holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Queen's Birthday, Christmas Day, Australia Day, Easter Saturday, Anzac Day, Labour Day, Boxing Day. The Industrial Relations Commission's decision was clearly a minimum for all Australian workers covered by Federal awards, and the commission explicitly recognised the prerogative of State and Territory governments to prescribe holidays in their own jurisdictions. They said:

We also accept that the declaration of public holidays, by whatever legal instrument, is the prerogative of the various Governments.

Mr Humphries: "Governments", did you say? Did you say "governments"?

MR BERRY: Mr Humphries interjects as if he thinks he should have the sole right to do anything in this place, just because he is called the Government. Mr Speaker, his is a minority government, so he has to accept that there are certain other impacts of this Assembly which he will have to live with, though it agitates him severely. I can understand the agitation of the Liberals opposite. All of their employer mates would be out there ringing in saying, "For heaven's sake, we thought we had knocked this one off. You people have got to get in there and make it look as though you really care".

Mrs Carnell: You mean the small business people of Canberra, the people you said will be the basis of growth in this city?

MR BERRY: Mrs Carnell says, "You mean the small business people?". Mrs Carnell and John Howard have supervised the introduction of a recession in this Territory. How dare Mrs Carnell even mention the words "small business". They are the ones that are suffering because of Mrs Carnell and John Howard. Do not even mention small business. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

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