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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 1 Hansard (19 February) . . Page.. 88 ..

MR MOORE (continuing):

A second letter that I would like to refer to was read by the Hon. Anne Levy in her introduction speech on similar legislation in South Australia. She referred to the views of a retired President of the Legislative Council. I quote from her speech:

Most of us knew Gordon Bruce, our previous President, and knew and admired him greatly. He retired at the last election, and died 13 months later of Motor Neurone Disease, instead of having the long and happy retirement he had planned. He wrote a letter a couple of months before he died ...

It expresses the personal view of someone who had always opposed voluntary euthanasia, but was suddenly faced with a personal situation which changed his attitude:

During March of 1994 I was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (a terminal illness). By May I was having trouble breathing and my neck muscles had failed. By July I was on a Bi-Pap machine at night as that was the only way I could sleep. I could not breathe while lying down. By November, while in a weakened condition, life is getting harder. While not ready to die yet I am most concerned that as the disease gets a stronger hold on me I have no say as to whether I can have a Doctor assist me through Euthanasia.

It is my firm believe that people who have incurable diseases should be assisted by the medical profession when the time comes when the patient wishes to call it a day. While safeguards should be in place so that there is no abuse of the systems.

It seems strange to me that if you have a dog or a cat you have no compunction to put them down. But human beings have to suffer it right out.

Unfortunately, while you are healthy you don't tend to think of when you get a terminal illness. But having experienced it I would now be in full favour of being able to have Euthanasia for people in my position.

During my illness I have been in touch with the Euthanasia Society and I am amazed that it has been so difficult to get something done. I am therefore forwarding this letter to the Euthanasia Society to use as they see fit to further their aims.

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