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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 1 Hansard (18 February) . . Page.. 42 ..

MRS CARNELL (continuing):

In the course of promoting the economic development of this Territory and our ongoing consultation with the Canberra community needs arise, and these must be addressed, often quickly. Over the course of the spring 1996 sittings the Assembly passed 48 pieces of Government legislation, which included matters of considerable importance to the community, such as the firearms legislation and the amendments to the Children's Services Act. It is also of interest that these 48 Bills that were passed represented over 85 per cent of the Bills introduced by the Government in spring 1996 - an indication of the level of support that our legislation program received, and I thank members for that.

The program also gives a clear picture of the legislation that the Government intends to introduce into the Assembly in the first half of this year. This is, of course, the period in which we will be bringing down the budget; so, Mr Speaker, it will be a busy time. Also, as members would be aware, a large number of routine amendments are being developed and researched at any given time. Members would appreciate that such projects are not appropriately included in the legislative program. Its focus is on outcomes for the autumn session. It will be possible for items on the legislation planning schedule to be progressed to the legislation program and, of course, for new legislative proposals to be added.

I will now address the 1997 autumn legislation program in more detail. Mr Speaker, the autumn sittings will, of course, focus on the budget. Apart from the Appropriation Bill, the budget Bills will include some minor and technical improvements to the Financial Management Act 1996. Mr Speaker, there are also a number of other key items of legislation that the Government plans to introduce into the Assembly in this session, including the Rates and Land Tax (Amendment) Bill. As members will recall, this Bill was circulated as an exposure draft in the spring session and provides for a whole new rating system for the ACT. This session we will be introducing the final Bill, following the outcome of consultation on the exposure draft.

We will have the Mental Health (Treatment and Care) (Amendment) Bill. This Bill is the outcome of an extensive review of the parent Act. It is the Government's intention to introduce this Bill in this session, but members should note that introduction is contingent on the successful completion of a comprehensive consultation stage. Then there is the Public Health Bill. It is the Government's intention to introduce this highly complex Bill in May. Given the comprehensive nature of this legislation, we will seek to pass it in the second half of 1997, to allow the Assembly adequate time for consideration of all of the issues that it addresses.

There will be a number of motor traffic Bills. These will bring the ACT into line with New South Wales practice in terms of drink-driving initiatives and compulsory blood sampling. Further consultation on compulsory blood sampling is still being undertaken. There will be the Cultural Authority Bill. We are establishing a Cultural Authority for the people of Canberra. Naturally, considerable consultation has been undertaken to ensure that this authority meets the needs of its customers and, once this consultation has been completed, we will be tabling this Bill in these sittings.

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