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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 1 Hansard (20 February) . . Page.. 328 ..

Table 2


Subject Area Issues Raised

Housing . policy on selling government houses

. request for assistance in getting public housing in Melbourne

. dispute over income assessment

. dealings with ACT Housing appeal re priority housing

. selection process for Havelock House

. draining maintenance

. private housing

. neighbour disputes

. buying a ACT Housing Trust property

. impact of Federal Budget on community housing

. delay in housing maintenance

. property allocation criteria

. ACT Government Housing Energy Rating Scheme

. rebate system

. management of Ainslie Village

. heating in Ainslie Flats

Family Matters . equity of provision of child care services

. Tuggeranong Community Service

. facilities for older Canberrans

Community Safety . murals to combat graffiti problems

. referendum on gun laws

. driveway repairs request

. role of Community Advocate

. improvements to Holt Shops

. national inquiry into gun laws

. complaints relating to gun laws

. proposed self- regulation of security industry

. request for laws against using hand held mobile phones while


Environment . ACT participation in Murray Darling Basin Commission

. request for removal of dead trees

. noise pollution from neighbour's business

. proposal for tyre shredding unit

. requests for railing maintenance in Cotter Drive

. grass mowing in Curtin, Banks and Conder

. requests for tree removal and driveway/footpath repairs

. request for extra garbage bins in park near Tuggeranong

Swimming Pool

. using eucalypts as street trees

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