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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1995 Week 11 Hansard (14 December) . . Page.. 3122 ..

needs from within the staffing complement of 4 officers. It would be impractical to employ permanent staff members on such intermittent and specialist requirements and to date, neither the audit or computing facilities from within the Service have been able to meet the Commission's needs.

(4) N/A.

Planning Authority

(1) and (2)


Civic Cultural Planning Strategy $10,000
Planning for ACT & Sub Region $20.905
National River Monitoring (Commonwealth Grant) $26,900
Administrative support within Community Relations $4,000
Facilitate Management Workshops $4,650
Garema Place City Walk Urban Design Study $20,000
Water Quality Monitoring $45,000
Water Research $41,000
Social Impact Assessment of Retail Change $16,842
Review of Planning Guidelines for Gungahlin Town Centre & $20,000
Central Area
Administration of Financial Management Systems $15,000


Retail Study $4,260

Metro Structure Review $30,000

ILAP Contribution $20,000

Transport Survey & Data Collection $5,000

Transport Modelling $5,000

Parking & Access Guidelines Review $5,000

ACT House Energy Rating Scheme $15,000

Subdivision Energy Audit $10,000

Air Quality - Trend & Performance Analysis $5,000

Noise Management - Noise Monitoring $5,000

Terrestrial Resources - GIS Mapping of Resources $3,000

Stream flow Gauging $30,000

Cultural Planning Strategy for Civic $15,000

Community Consultation On Planning $5,000

Corporate Planning /Personal Development Plans $12,000

Accrual Accounting Assistance $10,000

Review of District Planning $15,000

Oaks Estate Stage 2 $5,000

Review of Group Centres (Dickson, Mawson, Weston Creek & Curtin) $20,000

Contribution To Structures in Public Places Study $10,000

Mitchell Industrial Area $15,000

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