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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1995 Week 11 Hansard (14 December) . . Page.. 3097 ..


MR DE DOMENICO (Minister for Urban Services) (6.03): Mr Speaker, I would like to echo the words of Ms Follett and Mrs Carnell. I particularly have found the nine months in government very challenging, with a lot of pressure for various reasons. I would like to thank, perhaps on behalf of my colleagues, all our personal staffs, for a start. Ms Follett noticed the difference between being in government to being in opposition because you have fewer staff. I can assure you that the people on this side of the house have found it difficult to entertain the fact that we have more staff than we had in opposition. You have to get used to that as well.

Mr Humphries: We will get used to that problem.

MR DE DOMENICO: We will get used to that, do you think? That will be so for a long time. I would also like to reflect about the fact that it is a season when I believe it is time for people to think about their family, friends and loved ones, and also reflect on what has happened in the past and perhaps see whether things can be better in the future. I have been concerned about the way things have got a bit heated from time to time in this place - not because of the political heat, because that is always going to happen; but I think it has got down to the personal level from time to time. Perhaps we ought to reflect on that. When we come back refreshed in February, or whenever it is, perhaps we should behave a little more like mature adults, and I put myself in that situation as well. I am not denying that everybody, from time to time, is guilty of that.

I would also like to thank the staff of the Assembly for the hard work they do and the help they have always been, and the public service also, as Mrs Carnell has said. May everybody have a happy Christmas and a happy new year, drink plenty of grog and enjoy themselves.


MR MOORE (6.05): Mr Speaker, my expression of thanks is going to take a slightly different form, in that I am inclined to make a series of awards to a number of members here today. The first award goes to the Chief Minister. It is the proctologists award for cutting our backs. Mr Speaker, I hope you will bear with me if I use first names. I think on this occasion it is appropriate. For Tony there is the Germaine Greer award for tact and diplomacy. For Bill there is the vaseline award for sliding past all questions. Gary gets the Stein lager award for accepting through gritted teeth. For Harold there is the charities award for being seen but not heard. For Trevor there is the Red Baron award. This is most appropriate for Mr Kaine, considering his air force background, but basically it is for the swerving and weaving that he has managed. For you, Mr Speaker, there is the woofer and tweeter award for the development of speakers.

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